Sunday, May 3, 2015

Final bolg evaluation

Inside the criminal mind has been a very exciting experience. Blogging and writing with considering a real audience that the blog will be attracting definitely was a challenge. And there were some difficulties with the posts sometimes. Still Inside the criminal mind is worth reading because it focuses on crimes and robberies for those who love it. At the same time it have discussed different topics and had different types of posts that any person could relate to, not necessary for investigations lovers.
As we usually write and expect only the tutor to read, with posting our writings on a blog we were in front of a bigger audience. Thus we had to consider them as much as we could. That was by relating our topics to a broader audience rather than those who are interested in the topic, and makes it relative to them. It was difficult sometimes to look for something that people could relate to or to think why would people need to read that. This challenge was a good exercise because by the time it became easier and we think about how to relate it to the audience simultaneously when we think of a topic.
On of the difficulties that I have faced was that we were restricted to a certain types of essays, were we had to choose a topic that suits it. My aim was to discuss latest and interesting criminal news, but with that I had to look for suitable topics even if it was not my first choice. Still that taught me how to adapt assigned tasks, and change them to fit a certain requirements. And Even though, as I mentioned, we were given the type of task we should do, I still liked that we were able to choose our own theme, as it was easier to write about something you liked and choose rather than given be a tutor.
This blog was a new thing to me, yet I felt it was effective. Because of the blog I had more things to look for when I’m writing. And I benefited the most from my mates comments every time, because be getting feedback I’m getting a better idea of how to please the readers an improve my performance .

Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to Secure Your House Against Robbery

Houses always represent safety and shelter, and whenever any of those is missing, it loses a part of its identity. In this blog post, will be discussing the best ways to secure your house. There are simple steps that you can follow that can change allot.

First, one of the simple, yet super important step to do is to secure your house by locking the doors, like windows, balcony door, and other doors the allow access to the house. Think like a robber and try to see from where and how would he success entering your house. Doing so will give you a chance to study your home and look for any security problems. When you move to a new house, make sure to change all its locks. This will prevent any person that has a copy of the house’s previous lock from entering.  Its recommended to have lights that can be timed, therefore wither the house resident are in or out of the house, the house will still look like people are inside it and the robber will hesitate breaking into that house. Buy a safe if you do not have one already, and keep all your jewelers, money, cheque books, and others. After doing so, it is advised not to show it to you kids, because kids can be smart and carious some times and try to learn and open it. Even knowing the safe by a kid is not safe, because any body can fool them into showing them the safe place.
At the end, they are easy precautions yet will make a big difference, and as they say protection is better than cure. You now can check if your house is secured, or if your missing one of the mentioned steps to secure your house

Friday, February 20, 2015

How to secure your house with Mr. Mohammed AlQadi

In 20, Feb 2015, I interviewed Mr. Mohammed AlQadi, an agent in Qatar State Security. He has been working since 1997, and was in charge of many crime investigations during his time working there. In my interview, I will be asking Mr. Mohammed about the ways to protect you home against robberies.

· Hi Mr. Mohammed, thank you for your time. Before I begin with securing the house, for those who are still looking for one, what do you advise them to look for in terms of safety?
Sure it is a pleasure. For people who are looking for either a house or a piece of land to build on, I would recommend them to choose a place where it is not in the middle of the city, on a main road, or near a commercial road. Those places are in a higher risk of being robbed. Quit neighborhood that are away from those places would be the best choice in terms of safety and are more suitable for living.

· And how about those who are settled already, what precautions do you advise them to have to secure their houses against robberies?
Well, I would advise them to make sure to lock their doors at night and when they travel. Another thing to do when they travel is, if they have a neighbor that they trust, to ask him if they can turn on the house light at night during their time outside the country. This will show that the house owners are still in the house, and will reduce its chance of being robbed or broken in to.

· Do you really recommend people to ask their neighbors to enter their house in their absence? Would not that be a chance of a robbery to take place?
Sure. First I would like to emphasize on the fact that they have to be trusted. Other than that, the house outer light’s switches are usually located outside the house, so if the house doors were locked and secured it would not matter.

· From your experience, what was the cause that contributed in robberies to take place?
 Well, it is usually a factor of both answers I previously mentioned. Usually houses that are located on a commercial road for example are around a lot of pedestrian and workers who will easily notice if the house is empty. They can use the fact that the place is crowded and will enter the house. Other than that, some people are used to keep their doors opened, and there answer is that they are used to doing that and they did not expect that to happen. You never know when a robbery will take place so always beware.

· If a robbery took place already, what should people do?
I would like first to stress that they make sure it was actually a robbery, because we get a lot of reports that end up being a family member had access the house. In case of a real robbery taking place, they should call the police as soon as possible. The sooner they call the easier it will be for the police to catch the robber.

· I can see many people now have started using CCTV cameras, why did you not recommend that?
Of course CCTV is beneficial in these situations, yet keep in mind that they cost a lot, and people can avoid robberies by doing simple things rather than buying them.

· Is their any other or things that you want to point out?
I would like to advise people to keep their valuable belongings and important documents in a safe and not show it to their kids. If in any time they had workers in the house, they should make sure that they are supervised. Same thing for the house maid, if she was cleaning one of the family members’ room, she should be supervised.

· If you would change something that would make living in Qatar safer, what would it be?
I would suggest having neighborhood watch or some type of neighborhood police. These types of groups are well known abroad. It’s a way to decrease the chance of any vandalism in the neighborhood, and increase the neighborhood citizens’ cooperation. 
As it can be seen from Mr. Mohammed interview, being robbed can be avoided without needing any high cost devices like CCTV camera, if simple steps are followed. Unfortunately Mr. Mohammed had to leave early so some of the questions were not answered; yet most of the important ways to protect a property were mentioned. I hope after reading this interview people will start to care more about their houses security, specially after Mr. Mohammed mentioned that you never know when your house would be robbed.   

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The cope that got away with 300 Million Yen !

In the “10 Brilliant Real Heists As Dramatic As The Movies “ article, the writer, Alan Boyle from Listverse, list a number of the most successful robberies all over the world. All of them have what the writer calls “The entertaining touch of heist magic.” And definitely has an interesting plan that represents how you can have a simple approach for the most complicated goals. One of the heists that really caught my attention was the “The 300-Million-Yen Grab”.
It was In December 10, 1968 when the largest robbery in Japan’s history has taken place. It was a normal transporting day for the four bank employees hiding with $2,689,721 to Fuchu, Tokyo. When suddenly a young cope stopped them, saying that their boss ‘s place had been boomed, and the person behind that bombing had called and told the police that the next bombing will be in the transport car. Even though he made up a silly story, to me, I would predict that the way that he said it was the reason behind them believing it. This show that you can fake things in real world that you don not have, like confidence when your presenting in front of a group of people. No one will know that you are nervous as long as you knew how to really hide it.
After that, the four staff members lift the vehicle immediately for the cope to preform a spot inspection. Few seconds later, smoke and flames started erupting from under the vehicle. The staff members knew that there was a bomb and ran to the nearest prison to seek cover. When the looked back for the cope, they saw their car being driven and the cope’s motorcycle lift behind. Sadly the “phony” cope ran away with the money that now worth around $5 million. Later they found out that the smoke and flames where coming from a flare. What is even more smart and shows that this person really prepared for his heist was, after he lift the authorities held a huge investigation, fielding 170.000 officers, and 110.000 suspects. Yet they did no came up with anything. The robber left behind 120 useless, and prearranged clues that will confuse the investigators.
The story has greater details and it gets more interesting, but I wanted to focus on the main tricks this criminal have taken to achieve his mission. No advanced technology, and no secret information. Just thinking like the people he was targeting made him avoid being caught and robbing what is worth $5 million.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What is Inside the Criminal Mind ?

    Criminals' community is a secretive world. You may see their latest crimes in the headlines or on TV, but what you really need to see is the planning that went behind it.

    What is inside the masterminds behind it is usually hard to predict. they think like you, then they do exactly what you would not expect. Their plans can last for a long time, but definitely pays at the end! and even though they don't seem like the people that you would learn from, they certainly present the perfect example of how a good preparation can break what seemed extremely secured, or relate it to our life, seemed impossible.

    Something inspiring is a quote that represent how smart those masterminds. J. Daniel Atlas from the movie "Now You Can See Me". Who is an illusionists that was involved in a serious of audacious robberies, in response to the investigator:

    "Let me warn you. I want you to follow, because no matter what you think you might know, we will always be one step, three steps- seven steps ahead of you, and just when you think you're catching up, that's when we'll be right behind you. And at no time will you be anywhere other than exactly where I want you to be. So come close, get all over me because the closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see."

    I'll be posting about the world's smartest, biggest, most dangerous, and most coasting crimes. Not what the news shows, but what went behind it. I'll be including some based on real stories movies, and sometimes fiction movies that are about crimes. those which have a creative and out of ordinary ideas. And hopefully when you finish reading those stories, you will be noticing small security flaws everywhere you go, and you will learn how to plan and study your goals and achieve them in a smarter way!

"what you don't see backstage is what really controls the show." -Sarah Sutton-